Lucky Lunar New Year Clothing Traditions

Lucky Lunar New Year Clothing Traditions

Posted by Surell Accessories on Nov 26th 2020

Many ancient traditions are upheld throughout the Lunar New Year. Food, decorations, and festivals are dictated by these traditions, to name a few. One significant area of these is clothing. As the first day of the Lunar New Year approaches on January 25th, let’s take a glance at some of the most prominent clothing traditions reserved for this holiday.

Out With the Old, in With the New

The first day of the Lunar New Year is centered around the idea of leaving misfortunes of the past behind, and ushering in a year of good fortune. For this reason, it’s tradition to wear entirely new clothes. It also symbolizes prosperity, in the way of having more than enough clothes to wear in the upcoming year.

Ornate Hair Accessories

In ancient times men were not permitted to leave the house without a headdress, but now they do not have to wear any hair accessories. Women, however, wear ornate wands in their hair. These are usually encrusted with rhinestones, with gems and ornate chains hanging off the end.

Nothing Beats Red

For all of the clothing and accessories bought and worn for the Lunar New Year, red is always the go to color. It’s known to ward off evil spirits and bad luck. This tradition goes all the way back to the very start of this holiday. If you’re looking for luck in this new year, look no further than red!